First of all, thank you to everyone for the questions, thoughts, prayers and well-wishes! While Baby DJ has been SO good and sleeps, like my son says, "alllllllll the time," it's mostly during daylight hours, so we're kind of a sleepy family these days. LOL
In fact, he is such a sound sleeper that he slept all the way through his first parade on Saturday! The entire family got to load up and see the Little Rock St. Patrick's Day Parade, and guess who slept through all the motorcycles, firetrucks, Slingshots, Corvettes, and Irish Wolfhounds?!?!? Yep, that would be him. :D
Meanwhile, I'm happy to report that since coming home from the hospital two weeks ago, this little guy has gained two whole pounds! Not bad for a guy who lives on a liquid diet for the time being, huh?
All in all, it's been a crazy trip into parenthood these last two weeks. I'm happy to report that Mama and I are both holding up really well, considering the lack of sleep, but we're making it work. Next stop is to finish packing and get moved to a house big enough for the whole family.
Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers, and be sure to keep them coming! We appreciate all of you very much!