DJ Taylor

DJ Taylor

Hi! I'm DJ Taylor, but call me Deej. Born and raised here in Arkansas; I love cooking, playing guitar, reading, and spending time with my family!...Full Bio


Missouri Woman Steals Car... From Car Thieves!

A Missouri woman stole a car, videoed the whole thing on Facebook, but won't be facing charges... Because she was stealing her own car back from thieves who took it two days earlier!

According to ABC 7 Chicago, Danielle Reno got out of her SUV for just a moment to get her daughter and when she turned around, the car was gone! While she did file a police report, but instead of waiting for anyone to investigate, she decided to take matters into her own hands. Reno had left her wallet and cellphone in her Toyota 4Runner and began to track them to find out where they might have gone.

Eventually, she followed the trail to a convenience store where the clerk said he heard them mention going to Applebee's... And when Danielle arrived, they were just getting a table. She then walked out to the parking lot, shared a video on Facebook about how she had found her car and was getting it back, and then called police to make the arrest! After that, she met the police at the restaurant to watch as the alleged thieves were arrested.

Reno said that she was most upset about how they left beer and trash in her SUV.

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