DJ Taylor

DJ Taylor

Hi! I'm DJ Taylor, but call me Deej. Born and raised here in Arkansas; I love cooking, playing guitar, reading, and spending time with my family!...Full Bio


Death Valley Reaches World Record High Temperature On August 16, 2020

Death Valley's Extreme Heat

I've lived in Arkansas my entire life and I've seen some really hot temperatures over those years... But NOTHING like the World Record temps over the weekend in Death Valley, where they reached 130F on Sunday!

A very appropriately named Furnace Creek, California, may have seen the hottest reliable temperature on record, according to many news sources. Before this, records are considered "questionable" in their precision, but the WMO still recognizes 134F (56.7C) from Death Valley on July 10, 1913, and 131F from Kebili, Tunisia on July 7, 1931.

The Simpsons Summer GIF

Whether it's a new "official World Record" or not, that's still waaaaay too hot for my taste.

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