DJ Taylor

DJ Taylor

Hi! I'm DJ Taylor, but call me Deej. Born and raised here in Arkansas; I love cooking, playing guitar, reading, and spending time with my family!...Full Bio


Baby DJ Update: We've Got A Two-Year-Old!

You know, I've been giving updates at all the major milestones for the last two years, and today, we hit a big one! My wife and I are celebrating birthday #2 for our little man!

It's hard to wrap my head around it being a whole two years because it feels like we just brought him home from the hospital last week... But it also feels like he ought to be about 10 years old after the way last year dragged on and on!

ItYes, it'sittersweet because this means he's officially growing up, but we couldn't be prouder of how big and smart he is.

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