Jess Jennings

Jess Jennings

Hi, I'm Jess! I'm a hot-mess momma who loves growing groceries... canning pickles, jams, and jellies... and playin' ALL the country favorites to get us through the workday!


Are you following Jennifer Aniston on Insta?

I'm pretty sure Rachel tried to break the inter-web with her first IG post! How incredible is this?!

I mean, my sweet 90's heart almost can't handle it! I mean, Friends is my go-to when I'm sick, when I'm happy or sad, but especially when there's nothing else I wanna watch!

I do love how Jen is keepin' it real though...

It's nice to know that one of the most beautiful women in the world doesn't wake up photo ready.

BUUUUT, if that were me, we'd need a bigger team. #HotMessJess

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