Jess Jennings

Jess Jennings

Hi, I'm Jess! I'm a hot-mess momma who loves growing groceries... canning pickles, jams, and jellies... and playin' ALL the country favorites to get us through the workday!


Summer Activities for Families That Won't Break the Bank

With most summer camps and sports being cancelled, how can we keep the kiddos entertained this summer? Here are a few ideas that won't break the bank!

Stargaze in your backyard - Lie on the grass or make your kiddie pool work overtime by filling it with pillows and blankets, and host your first family stargazing night. See more at Crafty Morning.

Make a water blob -This clever idea involves using plastic sheeting and duct tape to create a bubble of water your kids can jump, roll, and run around on. See more at Fabulessly Frugal. What you'll need: plastic sheeting ($11,

Build a bonfire - Throw a great bonfire bash with family at the lake, park, or even your own backyard. Serve up s'mores to make it even more memorable.

Fly a kite - When the winds are heavy, take your kids outside and teach them the secret to flying a piece of fabric in the air for hours at a time. If you're ambitious, make your kite together beforehand (or get'em for a couple bucks at Walmart).

Make an aquarium - Can't make it to the beach? Bring the beach to your backyard by making these cute mini-aquariums with blue food coloring, plastic toys, plants, and rocks. Get the tutorial at Hello, Wonderful. What you'll need: mason jars ($22 for 12,

Try squirt gun painting - Get the family outside with this one-of-a-kind craft. If things get messy, don't worry: Use your garden hose to quickly clean up supplies and the backyard. Get the tutorial at Fireflies and Mud Pies. What you'll need: squirt guns ($9 for 12,

For more ideas from Woman's Day click HERE.

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