Jess Jennings

Jess Jennings

Hi, I'm Jess! I'm a hot-mess momma who loves growing groceries... canning pickles, jams, and jellies... and playin' ALL the country favorites to get us through the workday!


Progress Reports Are Out... How'd Your Kids Do?

Wow, I can't believe we're already at progress report time... I just felt like I was getting the hang of this new learning method.

The #FarmFamily has done well, overall. The girls are doing great and have adjusted well!

My son, however, is struggling in math. This isn't typical for him. I asked what was up with his quiz scores and he said, "they're timed."

::Pause:: Ok...

"And I have to type the answers into the computer."

::Lightbulb:: Ah.

See, he's not strong at typing. So, rollin' with the changes (which, frankly, will help him in the long-run), we've got him a 'Learn to Type' game.

So, we have a plan in place and hopefully (pray for us), we'll have this all figured out by the time report cards come around.


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