Jess Jennings

Jess Jennings

Hi, I'm Jess! I'm a hot-mess momma who loves growing groceries... canning pickles, jams, and jellies... and playin' ALL the country favorites to get us through the workday!


Gotta Hangover? Just Breathe...

Scientists in Canada think they may have also figured out a way to metabolize alcohol faster, thus speeding up the sobering process.

Believe it or not, it involves hyperventilating. Researchers gave vodka to two separate groups of very willing participants. One group needed about three hours to metabolize the alcohol. The other group, which was instructed to hyperventilate into a device, metabolized the alcohol about three time faster.

If you have a minor hangover, hyperventilating may not work. Researchers found it worked best for “high levels of intoxication.”

Source: (The Guardian)

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