Jess Jennings

Jess Jennings

Hi, I'm Jess! I'm a hot-mess momma who loves growing groceries... canning pickles, jams, and jellies... and playin' ALL the country favorites to get us through the workday!



Lee Brice is on the road to recovery from COVID-19, which was diagnosed through testing before the CMA Awards

At first, he felt fine. Then it hit him full-force. He started having body aches that weren't there just hours before. He tells People, "I literally woke up all wet. I wasn't shivering and I don't think the fever got high, but I did wake up feeling like I sweat out a fever or something." 

He's feeling good now but will continue to quarantine in his barn until he tests negative. 

Lee's new album, Hey World, comes out on Friday.

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