It’s no secret that some states are way more expensive to live in than others. I mean in some places you can get a mansion for $200,000, while others you’ll be lucky if that gets you a one-bedroom apartment. So, which states are going to cost the most to live in? Well, a new report set out to determine just that.
- A new report by Best Life reveals the Most Expensive States In The U.S.
- They determined their list based on factors like average home value, property tax rate, average state and local tax rate, and average median annual household income in each state.
- Based on all of this, California is the most expensive state in America.
- While the annual median household income is over $80,000, average homes cost almost $580,000, with a property tax rate of .72 and state and local taxes at around 8.66%.
Top Ten Most Expensive States In The U.S.
- California
- Washington
- Hawaii
- New Jersey
- Massachusetts
- New York
- Colorado
- Illinois
- Maryland
- Utah
- On the other end of the spectrum, Montana is the least expensive state in the U.S., where the average home is a little over $290,000 and the average household income is over $57,000.
- Click hereto see where your state falls on the list.
Source:Best Life