Mom Makes 6 Year Olds Give Their Build-A-Bear Creations To Birthday Girl?

I will gladly admit that I'm not the one to ask when it comes to parenting etiquette... But I'm going to go out on a limb and say that if you got an invite to make a bear at the local Build A Bear for a child's birthday party, you would think your kiddo was coming home with a pretty sweet gift/activity from their friend's shindig... Well, in this case, you'd be VERY mistaken!

A mom got on Reddit over the weekend telling a tale about quite possibly the most disturbing birthday party ever... Follow along closely!

According to the mom, she took her 6 year old to this Build-A-Bear birthday party that was attended by 8 friends. The invitation said that the party was being held AT the store but not BY the store... That might have been the first clue, but it gets better... The mom says that they had pizza and cake in the food court of the mall, followed by this trip to Build A Bear, then everyone would go back to the birthday girl's house to finish up the party.

After each of the 8 kids were done eating, they went to make their own stuffed animal creations at BAB. Just as the invitation said, all 8 kids got to make a bear, and most parents kept their kids in check about making something fun but not too expensive. When everyone got finished making their new stuffed animal friends, the birthday mom announces that it's time to give the new creations to her daughter???

As you can imagine, the kids are all sad and angry, but most hand over their new stuffed animals. The birthday girl allegedly started taking them from the friends who didn't hand them over willingly... Needless to say, the party was pretty much over then and there.

You can check out the full story here on Reddit or scroll through the story below. Would also love to hear your thoughts in the comments at the bottom of the page!

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