In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, Burger King is saying pass on "happy" meals for what they're calling "Real Meals" that include the Blue Meal, Salty Meal, Yaaas Meal, and even the DGAF Meal, because even if you don't give a flip, you still want your chicken nuggets, right?
In partnership with Mental Health America, a non-profit organization, Burger King is encouraging customers to feel however they want... Happy, sad, angry, annoyed, or whatever it may be. In fact, Burger King released the video below that modifies their "Have It Your Way" slogan to encourage customers to "Feel Your Way."

While you can pick the box that says how you might be feeling at the time, the "Real Meals" will have the same things that come with them: Whopper, fries and a drink. Also, these limited time not-so-happy meals will only be available in Austin, Los Angeles, Miami, New York City, and Seattle.
According to Bustle, Burger King has made donations to Mental Health America as part of this promotion and has gone to great lengths to promote mental health while also promoting their signature burgers.
And if you are feeling sad or lonely, need someone to talk to, there are a lot of different people who are ready and waiting to help you. You are definitely not alone. Any of the contacts below are free.
Call 800-273-8255 for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
Text HOME to 741741 for the Crisis Text Line.
Call 800-950-6264 for the National Alliance on Mental Illness