Baby DJ Update: 10 Months Old and Making Tracks!

A quick update on Baby DJ and how things are going as we get closer and closer to the One Year mark! On New Years' Day, this little fella hit the 10 month old mark and let me tell you... He is definitely a mover and a shaker! It seems like right after he hit 9 months, he decided it was time to move around, sit up, and start crawling more... But just about a week ago, he started climbing around on toys and furntiure!

Possibly the most unusual thing now is that he really doesn't want to lay down on his back for diaper changes or anything else! I'm thinking it's because he loves to crawl and he's trying so very hard to stand up and walk already. It's so amazing to see him developing and see him trying to decide what it takes to walk on his own two feet. It's even more amazing to see him watch his brother and sister run through the yard and you just know he's trying to figure it out for himself!

In addition to that, he's started sleeping quite a bit more... Pretty sure it's a good indication that this little fella isn't going to be so little for much longer. His mama and I can tell that he's getting taller and that he's already cut his 7th and 8th tooth (which isn't actually supposed to happen for another few months!) and his weight is staying pretty close to the same as last month but he's getting into bigger and bigger outfits!

Thanks to everyone for the continued questions, thoughts and prayers. We all really appreciate it and hope that you have a great new year in 2020! Another update coming soon!

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