New Guidelines For Reopening Church Services And Concert Venues In Arkansas

Churches and concert venues are set to open over the next couple of weeks according to Governor Hutchinson's press conference on May 4th. According to the Governor, churches are encouraged to continue using online methods for services to help control the spread of the coronavirus, but churches may begin hosting events again. He did mention that churches should set up a sanitizing station at each entrance/exit, and also that churches should not have nursery or youth groups for the time being.

Also during the press conference, Governor Hutchinson discussed the reopening of live music and performance venues saying that we need to restrict the number of participants (for the time being) to ensure that there would be no flare-ups or massive spreads of COVID-19 as a result of these gatherings. He also encouraged that people remember to socially distance themselves if they attend these events and that these restrictions will be lessened as time goes on, as long as Arkansans remain vigilant about staying safe and numbers of coronavirus patients continue to drop.

The full press conference is available below.

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