Is Karen A Baby Name Of The Past?

Some years back, "Karen" was a shortened version of Katherine and was very popular from the 1930s to the 1970s, but in the last year or two it's been reimagined stereotypically as a woman who is very difficult with any business staff, hard to please, and usually asking to speak to a manager about some problem she's had with her service.

Personally, I have friends named Karen, who are fantastic people to hang out with... I have a cousin named Karen, who was recently laid to rest, that I always said was a favorite member of my family. But it looks like naming your child Karen is becoming a thing of the past.

According to, since the rise of Karen as a pop culture term, none of the millions of parents or parents-to-be have added Karen as a favorite to their names list in the past year, and the name has also seen a massive 75% decline in popularity over the last 10 years. While you might see Karen trending on social media or on search engines, it's definitely not for reasons that parents would pick. Will we see Karen return in the future? Will it only be to speak to the manager? Only time will tell...

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