Man Stacks World Record Breaking 485 Jenga Blocks On Top Of ONE Block!

Tai Valianti is an Arizona man described by Guinness World Records as a "Master Jenga stacker" and he has managed to pile a crazy 485 blocks on top of just one of the game's pieces (set vertically), and breaking his own record set last year.

Tai said the incredible Jenga structure took him around two hours to build, and once finished, he recruited his son to help knock it down. Tai said, "The tower stood for almost nine minutes before I got my son to come in and knock it down."

A Guinness spokesperson said, "The most incredible part of the tower is that as Tai builds, he expands it outwards from the single Jenga block giving it a physics-defying appearance. Surprisingly, the center remains hollow where the first standing Jenga block is placed." Jenga's creators say the record for the highest tower ever built is 41 stories, set by AmericanRobert Greblerin 1985.

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