Do you make more money that your partner or spouse?

Do you make more money that your partner or spouse? Does that cause any issues in your relationship?

A 27-year-old woman took to reddit’s relationship forum to share her 33-year-old husband’s sexist reaction to her job promotion. “We’ve been together 10 years and married for 8,” she wrote. “We have two kids. I’ve been offered a promotion at my job and it would mean I’d be earning more money than my husband. I’m really excited because I would love the new position, it’s perfect for me and it would be nice to have some extra money.” Sounds great, right?

Apparently not as far as her husband is concerned. “My husband believes it would be a personal affront to him to accept the promotion because he thinks women shouldn’t earn more money than their husbands,” she continued. She wanted to know is she was wrong to feel hurt and insulted.

Not surprisingly, the comments were very much in support of her – and had some things to say!

Here are a few of the responses:

  • “The fact that you’re asking is a red flag all by itself. You married an insecure creep that wants to control you.” 
  • “Take that promotion, you earned it! If he wants to earn more maybe he should be the one working hard enough to get a promotion.” 
  • “Personally I think it’s a personal affront to you that he values his own ego more than the happiness and security of his family.”

Source: (In The Know)

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