What would you do for one day of no stress?

What would you do for one day of no stress?

A new survey found that one-third of respondents would spend over $500 if it meant they could have a day of zero stress. 3 in 5 of those surveyed said they feel “constantly on edge,” 20% said they feel “drained” most days, and 13% say they are in a constant state of exhaustion. 

Speaking of stress… What’s more stressful than moving?

Apparently nothing.

A survey found that 45% of respondents said moving was the most stressful event in life – more stressful than getting divorced, getting married, having kids and changing careers.

According to the survey, these are the Top 10 Most Stressful Life Events:

  1. Moving -- 45%
  2. Going through a breakup/divorce -- 44%
  3. Getting married -- 33%
  4. Having children -- 31%
  5. Starting your first job ever -- 28%
  6. Entering a new career/ industry -- 27%
  7. Sending a child off to college -- 26%
  8. Starting college -- 22%
  9. Dating someone new -- 10%
  10. Getting a pet -- 7%

Source: (SWNS)

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