Hairdressers Reveal Unhelpful Things Clients Do

A recent Reddit thread asked hairdressers "What are some helpful and unhelpful things that clients do?,” and folks on the Internet certainly didn’t hold back.

Responses include:

  • "Don’t ask me take an inch off all over, and then say, 'We can go from there if I want more.' That’s asking me to do two haircuts. Come on."
  • "BE 100% HONEST WITH YOUR COLORIST OR COSMETOLOGIST. I cannot stress this enough. Your hair will melt off if chemicals don't sync. Virgin hair will react differently than chemically treated hair."
  • "Lifting your head in the shampoo bowl! Don't do that... That's how we end up soaking the back of your shirt!"
  • "Please don't keep your eyes open when washing. It's kinda awkward if you know someone is staring right up your nostrils."
  • "[Don't come in wearing a hat.] If you wear a hat and take it off, your hair has been pushed into an unnatural position. And a clipper and our combs won't be able to make it look normal."
  • "Don't move your head with us. We move for a reason. Don't move your head unless we tell you to. Angles are very important. If you move while we are doing something, that angle is now wrong."
  • "Don't cross your legs or arms while getting a haircut. You will end up with a lopsided haircut."
  • "Please don’t talk with your head. It’s frustrating trying to keep the tension on the hair on a client who moves their head just as much as their mouth."
  • "If you don’t like your haircut, just be nice and to the point. Most of us will want to help and fix it for you."
  • "Your hair doesn’t need to be dirty for me to style it. In fact, I would REALLY prefer if it was clean."
  • "Finally, and this is important, do not moan while we wash your hair. Just don’t."

Are you guilty of any of these things?

Source: Buzzfeed

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