How To Adjust Your Toddler To Daylight Savings Time

If you're like me, with a toddler at home, you know how important routine can be. And with Daylight Savings Time coming up, those routines are going to get changed quite a bit. Here are some ways that you can get your toddler ready for Daylight Savings Time and make the transition a lot easier when March 14th gets here!

  1. Keep Your Routine: Your schedule is more than the clock, it's about the routine of it all. It's about meal time then bath time then bedtime, more than what time you do each thing.
  2. Slowly Adjust Your Schedule: If you adjust the time for your bedtime routine by 10 minutes each night, you'll be ready for the Sunday adjustments without a big shock to the toddler system.
  3. Keep Your Child's Room Dark: Invest in some room darkening curtains and remember to draw the shades so that early morning light doesn't wake them preemptively.
  4. Be Patient: Your baby or toddler's sleep schedule won't change immediately, but it will happen gradually if you plan ahead and make small adjustments.

More tips and tricks can be found on

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