Women Feel More Self-Doubt Than Self-Love

No matter how much we hear people preaching about self-love, it isn’t always easy to practice, and a new study reveals that women everywhere seem to be struggling in that area. 

A new Body Shop survey talked to 22,000 people in 21 different countries and found:

  • Around 50% of women admit they have more feelings of self-doubt than self-love.
  • 60% wish they had more respect for themselves.
  • The study developed what they call the Self-Love Index, which took into account self-worth, wellbeing, and happiness.
  • Overall, the average global Self-Love Index score was 53.
  • People in the U.S. scored a 61, eight points above the average, with only Denmark and Australia earning higher scores (62).
  • South Korea (43), Saudi Arabia (48) and France (48) ranked lowest when it comes to self-love.
  • Women have a slightly lower Self-Love index score than men (53 vs. 54).
  • Single women in the U.S. have a lower Self-Love score than those in a relationship (58 vs. 63).
  • Minorities in the U.S. have lower Self-love scores than those who aren’t in a minority (59 vs. 63).
  • Age also plays a role, with 41% of people under 35 more likely to be in the lowest 25% of Self Love scores, compared to only 9% of those 55 and over.

When it comes to self-love, social media use is a big factor.

  • Those who use social media frequently (more than two hours a day) tend to have lower levels of self-love (57), compared to those who use it less frequently (63).
  • But those on social media also say they are twice as likely to get emotional support than non-users.

So, what is causing all this low confidence among women n the U.S.?

  • Well, the top factor s financial status (31%), followed by
  • Feelings of not progressing towards things they want in life (23%)
  • The state of the world (22%)

Source: The Body Shop

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