We Turn To Food When We're In A Bad Mood

Just about anything can put someone in a bad mood, and when that happens people can look to anything to make them feel better, and a new report reveals the most common mood-boosters out there. 

A new poll by Hope Foods finds:

  • Food is a go-to item for a lot of people when they are in a bad mood.
  • In fact, 43% say that when they are in a bad mood they will “eat something” to feel better.
  • Half of respondents reach for something sweet in order to boost their mood, while 38% go for salty treats.
  • But food isn’t the only thing people go to in order to shake them out of their bad mood.
  • Other mood boosters include:
    • Take a bath (40%)
    • Distract yourself with a book, TV show, etc. (37%)
    • Cook or bake (37%)
    • Meditation/deep breathing (37%)
    • Cleaned or tidied up (34%)
    • Exercise or stretches (e.g. yoga) (32%)
    • Go outside for fresh air (29%)
    • Talk to a friend or family member (26%)
    • Cuddle with a pet (18%)
    • Have a cocktail or other alcoholic beverage (10%)

Source: SWNS Digital

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