While accomplishing something big in life can certainly make people feel good, sometimes it just takes something small for folks to feel like they’ve won, and now a new survey reveals some of those small victories that make people happy.
A new UK survey, which could easily translate here, finds:
- 58% of people say they feel happy when experiencing a small victory.
- Another 36% feel lucky and 19% feel accomplished.
- 70% of folks say any small achievement will help motivate them for the rest of the day.
- 36% of people say they have at least one or two little victories a week.
- 44% say they like to share those successes with others.
So, what are some of the top little victories that make people feel good? They include (click here for the complete list):
- Finding money in a pocket/handbag/down back of the sofa
- Finding a fiver on the street
- Getting into fresh bedding at the end of the day
- Winning a little on the lottery/scratch cards
- Arriving at a packed car park just as someone is leaving
- Completing a to-do list
- Getting in just as it starts raining
- Completing a DIY task by yourself
- Getting a surprise pay rise
- Getting home on all green lights
- Losing weight whilst eating whatever you wanted
Source: SWNS Digital