Majority Of Parents Support Masks In The Classroom

The new school year is here, and thanks to the Delta variant, it’s bringing a whole lot of new worries for parents sending their kids back to the classroom.

A new ValuePenguin survey of parents with kids under 18 finds:

  • 74% of parents are in favor of unvaccinated students wearing masks in the classroom.
  • Parents in the Northeast are most likely to support masks in the classroom (85%), while those in the South are least likely to support it (67%).
  • Overall, 75% of parents whose kids will be back in the classroom say they will require their children, at least partially, to wear masks in school.
  • 31% of those parents say that’s true regardless of their children’s vaccination status.
  • 44% of parents whose kids are unvaccinated plan to require their kids to wear masks at least part of the time.
  • 25% won’t require their children to wear masks regardless of their vaccination status.

But the real question is, will parents be sending their kids back to the classroom this year at all?

  • 56% of parents do plan to send their kids back to the classroom full-time in the fall.
  • But thanks to the Delta variant, 44% of parents don’t plan to send their kids to in-person school full-time.
    • 27% are choosing a hybrid schedule
    • 11% are opting for full-time virtual school
    • 6% are undecided about what to do.

And when it comes to how schools are handling things…

  • 52% of parents are very satisfied with coronavirus-related precautions their schools are taking.
  • 37% are somewhat satisfied
  • 10% are not really satisfied
  • 2% are not satisfied at all

Source: ValuePenguin

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