What Are Employees Looking For In New Jobs? Find Out!

We keep hearing about the Great Resignation, with more and more workers leaving their jobs for bigger and better things. So, what will it take for companies to attract, and/or hold on to their employees? Well, a new survey reveals just what workers are looking for these days.

The Robert Half poll finds:

  • Salary is still a pretty big issue for most employees.
  • 49% of workers think they are earning less than they deserve.
  • That’s particularly true for Gen Z (57%) and women (52%).
  • 31% say they would consider quitting their job without getting a raise by the end of the year.
  • That’s particularly true for working parents (36%) and those ages 18 to 24 (48%).
  • On a positive note, salaries for professional occupations are expected to increase 3.8% in 2022.
  • What’s more, 48% of employers are offering signing bonuses to entice new workers.
  • But it’s not just about money for a lot of job-seekers. Workers are looking for other perks including:
    • Flexible work schedules (66%)
    • Remote work options (56%)
    • Employee discounts (37%)

Source: Robert-Half

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