The Germiest Place on Vacation

If you've ever gotten sick while on vacation, you can point to any number of germ-filled items you've touched as the likely cause of your illness. A study from Lysol Pro Solutions measured the contamination on surfaces in airports, on planes, and in hotel rooms to determine the germiest places you encounter while on vacation. Here's what they found.

The germiest places in hotel rooms:

  1. Toilet handles
  2. TV remotes and doorknobs (tied)
  3. Desktops, refrigerator handles and nightstands (tied)

The germiest place in hotel common areas:

  1. Elevator buttons
  2. Luggage cart handrails
  3. Bathroom doors, front desks, and elevator handrails (tied)

The germiest places in airport check-in areas:

  1. Pin pad at check-in kiosks
  2. Check-in countertops
  3. Baggage office countertops

The germiest places on a plane:

  1. Seatbelt buckles and window shade handles (tied)
  2. Tray table latch
  3. Overhead air vent dials

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