DJ Taylor

DJ Taylor

Hi! I'm DJ Taylor, but call me Deej. Born and raised here in Arkansas; I love cooking, playing guitar, reading, and spending time with my family!...Full Bio


Ninja Park Coming To Little Rock!

Anybody that knows me or has listened to me on air knows that I'm a huge fan of American Ninja Warrior... And today I was like a kid in a candy store when I got to see the new 3rd Realm Extreme Air Park opening soon here in Little Rock!

This massive building houses some really fun obstacles and activities for people of virtually any age range with a lot of different stuff to do. In the pictures above you can see some of the Ninja Obstacle Course that they feature, plus their huge rock climbing wall, trampolines and the climbing curtains.

During the hour I spent with Brad and the crew at 3rd Realm, I saw more fun activities than I thought could fit into one place! There was an indoor zip line, Olympic style trampolines, and more fun stuff to play on and spend time with including a Warped Wall for fans of the popular TV show to test out for themselves!

While there isn't a firm opening date, according to Brad, it should be opening in the very near future, and I absolutely can not wait! You can find out more about the park at or find them on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. 

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