DJ Taylor

DJ Taylor

Hi! I'm DJ Taylor, but call me Deej. Born and raised here in Arkansas; I love cooking, playing guitar, reading, and spending time with my family!...Full Bio


Baby DJ Update 6.5.19 - The 3 Month Old Edition!

It's really hard to wrap my head around the fact that this little guy is already 3 months old! In that time he has grown 1/3rd of his length and he's also doubled in weight! Cannot believe just how fast babies grow, but as a Dad, I'm super happy to see it happening before my eyes.

My beautiful wife is doing well and always seems to know what to do when this little bundle of joy turns into a "pile of grumps" and doesn't want to settle down. And she is always right there for anything at any time.

I think the craziest thing is how much his big brother and sister both absolutely love him and just how much he loves them back! Even though he may not be able to talk yet, I'm pretty sure he understands certain words and phrases, and especially his siblings names, because he smiles almost every time he hears them!

Over all, things are going well as we pass the 3 month mark. Still not sleeping all the way through the night, but getting close. I'm pretty sure his mom and I won't sleep at all that night for checking on him constantly (hahaha) but we'll make it eventually. Meanwhile, I'm watching anxiously for signs of a tooth to start coming in. I know it's early, but he's been drooling A LOT over the last few days and I'm starting to wonder. Just another question to put on the list for his pediatrician for the 4 month checkup, right?

As always, thoughts and prayers are appreciated, especially for mama and baby. More updates coming soon!

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