DJ Taylor

DJ Taylor

Hi! I'm DJ Taylor, but call me Deej. Born and raised here in Arkansas; I love cooking, playing guitar, reading, and spending time with my family!...Full Bio


Baby DJ Update: 15 Months And Growing!

Well, here we are! Baby DJ is now officially 15 months old, and what a crazy ride it has been since celebrating his 1st Birthday!

In that time, we've seen quarantine and shelter in place and lots of people walking around wearing masks, which is totally new... He's not really sure how to feel about that. And we haven't been going places nearly as much as we used to, so even this little guy is starting to get a little stir crazy.

It's also playing havoc with this little fella's sleep cycle (and I've heard similar stories from other parents) and he's just not resting as well right now. Sometimes two shorter naps during the day, sometimes one really big nap, sometimes it's fighting tooth and nail to get him to lay down at all... But we're making the best of it. And during our walk around the neighborhood, he noticed that the neighborhood pool has water in it and he got VERY excited about that! This little water baby is ready to splash!

Today was baby boy's 15 month checkup, and I'm happy to report that he's not suffering from the "quarantine 15" and, in fact, was able to stay pretty close to the same weight as at his 12month checkup! I'm going to attribute that to his love of his mama's guacamole and all the avocados this kid can put away!

Overall, things have been good with Baby DJ the last few months. He's growing pretty quickly, and getting into things around the house even more quickly, and he's always on the lookout for new toys to play with and new foods to try. His Mama and I are definitely proud parents, to be sure.

Thanks to everyone who has been asking about this little fella and thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. They are definitely appreciated and be sure to keep 'em coming! Another update soon!

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