Many of our friends, family and neighbors have been displaced by the storm early this morning and if you're in need of assistance or want to help out, here's a list of resources/services available:
If you need assistance:
Jose’s Bar and Grill is offering a free hot meal.
Pizzeria Ruby is offering free meals.
The Treehouse Pantry has free food bags available until 4 today (3/30/2022).
Affected families can call the Springdale Public Schools helpline to talk to a counselor or social worker.
First United Methodist Church at 206 W. Johnson Ave. and its Bread of Life Mission is helping people. Call 479-751-4610 or email for information. The church will host a Community Supper Wednesday night from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Cross Church's Compassion Center and Feed the 479 at 315 W. Sunset Ave. is open for people who need food or clothing. The phone number there is 479-717-5662.
If you want to help:
To help with cleanup, Springdale PD and the Red Cross are mobilizing volunteers at Southwest Jr High.
The Jones Center is offering food and collecting supplies. They’re in need of tolietries, clothing, non-perishable food, trash bags, crates and water.
Know of other business and/or service efforts? Please let us know HERE.